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financial reporting review panel中文是什么意思

用"financial reporting review panel"造句"financial reporting review panel"怎么读"financial reporting review panel" in a sentence


  • 财务报告审议会


  • Consultation paper on the proposals to enhance the oversight of the public interest activities of auditors and establish a financial reporting review panel
  • One of the scclr s proposals was to set up a body with authority ( similar to the financial reporting review panel ( frrp ) in the united kingdom ) to investigate financial statements and enforce any necessary changes to the companies financial statements
    常委会的建议之一,是成立一个有权力的机构(类似英国的财务汇报检讨委员会) ,以调查财务报表及执行公司财务报表任何应予更改的地方。
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